Phosphorsäuregewinnung aus sekundären und primären Quellen
Phosphorsäuregewinnung aus sekundären und primären Quellen 

Phosphorus recovery an issue for your company?

... whether legally obliged by the amended German Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV 2017) or out of economic considerations, we offer you the right solution!

What can we offer you?

  • Analysis of the initial situation and identification of options and solutions on and after the wastewater treatment plant or from industrial process waters
  • Support in the development of the concept required by end of 2023 according to AbfKlärV
  • Preparation of technical-economic feasibility studies for P-recovery / compliance with AbfKlärV
  • Carrying out laboratory and scale-up trials
  • Planning, construction and operation of phosphorus separation or recovery plants

We see concise decision preparation that follows scientific standards as an indispensable prerequisite for a sound investment decision and successful implementation.

We also take responsibility for our concepts and participate in the implementation of large-scale phosphorus recovery plants. 

Do not hesitate to contact us!

We will be happy to explain our PARFORCE technology and our consulting and solution approach to you.

You can find our contact details here!

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[RL] 19.05.2021, 11:19 Uhr

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